LCM Network Newsletter

6/7/2023 Edition

Welcome to the LCM Network

Following the LCM company page, you can get early news of new roles, and even roles “outside” the LCM Network may be shared. It may be less pretty and curated, but you may hear of a role a day or two sooner--and those days can make all the difference! You can open the page via the link below and click the 'Follow' button on the main page.

Also, check out my website:!
Want to see everything in the LCM Universe? Check out my Linktree
Need help with your resume or job search? Sign up here

Consider sponsoring LCM to keep it free for other job seekers! As a thank you, you will be eligible for increased signing bonuses for yourself and bonuses on your referrals. 

Complete newsletters are delivered by email only and will not be publicly viewable on the website.

LCM Network Jobs

(Request more info or referrals for yourself and friends--message me on LinkedIn or complete a form at

Check out this week's LCM Network Jobs:
🤔 If you're interested in any role or know someone who is, complete the form above or contact Leah!
🤑 If your friend gets hired for that role or any other LCM Network job, you get a bonus!
Sorry, you can't refer yourself 😛

So far, this format has been the winner, so I am experimenting with consolidating the information while adding more info about companies! Let me know your thoughts on ways to improve! I know the text is tiny—please click into these spreadsheets to see the details. These spreadsheets will update weekly to share where you can be referred for great roles!

To get full details of all roles, subscribe!

Startup & Web3 Roles (2 tabs, check both!) Usually high-level roles in cutting-edge technologies!

Startup Jobs

Web3 Jobs

Multi-Industry Roles (2 tabs—referrals and direct apply) Various roles in the US and Canada. The directly apply tab replaces “hot jobs”—Links may not be checked weekly; older links may have expired.

Referral Roles 1/2

Referral Roles 2/2

New Direct Apply Roles

Not Finding a Fit Right Now?

Complete this form with a description of your perfect fit. I'll see if there are matches right now and try to include more of these types of roles in the future!

Feedback is important! For both candidates and career matchmakers :)

Right now, the newsletter is coming out weekly on Wednesday afternoons. When would you find this newsletter most useful?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Articles returning next week—planned topics include:

Building a GitHub repository—best practices

Data portfolio best practices

Shared successes—how’d they do it?

Job tracking data—how to track your data to make it actionable